Project Description
On occasion – not nearly as much as I’d like – I’ve had the chance to make videos purely to explore the creative ideas behind them. I started making movies with my brother and friends as soon as we could get our hands on our parents’ cameras. That was long before an artistic and technical hobby drifted into a commercial skill. And it’s a passion for making art for art’s sake that will continue long after.
Future: Pending (Writer, Narrator, Cinematographer, Editor)
A poetic primer in answer to the question, “why does A.I. need ethics?”
Hidden in the fraction of a second it takes for an everyday AI to make an everyday decision, we dive into a journey through some of the major pathways and frameworks of AI ethics.
A Rare Gig: Ken Haddock Performs “Almost” & “Not Over Yet”
Ken, “one of Ireland’s finest singer songwriters”, doesn’t get the airtime he deserves. So we knocked up a double-bill of his own songs, performed in two of Belfast’s best loved bars: The Harp and The Sunflower.
Ireland has a rich heritage of music that is as strong today as ever, and Ken Haddock is a long-standing talent among those artists. As friends and fans of his music, we’d love to see him get the recognition he deserves. More on Ken here:
One Million Years JCB (Writer & Director)
Don’t you think construction vehicles kinda look like dinosaurs grazing on the urban landscape?
No? Well that was the basic concept behind my first “official” short film, which eventually became a spoof on the classic One Million Years BC. My friend, the TV and film actress Erin Richards did me the honour of starring in the production, made for the 15 Second Film Festival but for some reason I don’t see it on her IMDB credits. She’s missing a trick there.
Tooth Fairy (Producer)
Produced, shot (and played a minor part) in this surreal short for the 15 Second Film Festival, the first “official” collaboration with my animator and artist brother, Tom, as an extension of his popular Maneggs comic.